Dance Marathon event for fundraising
Hundreds of teens participated in a Dance Marathon held Saturday, May 16, 5:00 p.m. - Midnight at Niles North High School, 9800 North Lawler Street, Skokie, IL. The Dance Marathon culminated a year-long series of fundraising efforts held throughout the school year to benefit the Daniel M. Horyn Foundation, formed in the memory of a beloved Niles North teacher who lost his courageous battle with esophageal cancer on September 9, 2013.
Dance Marathon (DM), started in 2003, has become the coolest tradition. At this year's event, students, faculty members and community members came together and danced, sang, and partied with fellow students while helping a great cause. It was fun and a considerable amount of donation was also collected in the process.
The Honorable Mayor served as this year's Honorary Chair. A total of $84,366.10 was raised. Approximately 10 percent will go towards the Education Foundation, which supports poor African students in financial need.
Highlights of the event
Dance Marathon is the final event for D219's School Chest, a student-run organization that helps a different charity each year. Throughout the year, through donations raised by bake sales, canning, benefit nights, events, and pure dedication, the committed members of School Chest/DM help the charity by raising money all year long.
The charity Foundation strives to raise awareness among the people for the underprivileged children of Africa by providing proper education to the children. And eradication of poverty and providing the people with balanced diet to keep malnutrition at bay. It also aimed to improve the standard of living among the families by providing them skills and jobs.